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Getting involved is easy!  The best way is through your tax-deductible cash donations that can be sent to our P.O. Box, or via our PayPal Account.

Please see the following letter from the Council that you may keep for reference:







Please send cash donations via check to:

Placer County Sheriff's Council

P.O. Box 2743

Granite Bay, CA 95746

For PayPal donations please use the following link:

If you would prefer a more personal touch: 

Please feel free to visit Marcus Graziano, our

President at Capitol Cellars Granite Bay, 5530 Douglas Blvd, Ste 170, Granite Bay, CA  95746.  Please call first at: 916-780-9030

If you want to learn about other ways you can help, such as with events or other types of donations, please contact us via our email or phone:



(916) 652-2450


Additional Links: 


Nonprofit Organization Status:

Copyright 2020 Placer County Sheriff's Council

A Non-Profit, Non-Partisan 501(c) (3) Corporation – Tax ID 68-0590713


P.O. Box 2743, Granite Bay, CA 95746 

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